Conditionals 3
Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original.

1We didn't see The Two Towers because the cinema was closed.

2She doesn't understand because you haven't explained the situation to her.

3You won't get a promotion if your work doesn't improve.

4I never eat octupus because I get sick.

5We didn't pick you up at the station because you didn't phone us.

6 The government won't win the elections unless they create employment.

7I'll buy I new computer provided that I get a rise in salary.

8She wanted to buy that picture, but she didn't have enough money.

9Whenever I make a promise, I keep it.

10We haven't got any matches, so we can't light a fire.

Self-access Corner
© Olga Godoy Giménez, 2003