Benvinguts al món de les extencions DW

Comportament: Obre el missatge de incloure als teus favorits, la pàgina que tu disignis.

Apareixerà al menú de comportaments IE "Add To Favorites"

Aquest comportament pot estar incorporat a una imatge i donar-li com a "Eventos" OnClic

This action allows you to add a behavior that will add your page to the visitor's Favorites menu. The interface allows you to specify the entry that will appear on the Favorites menu. You can use this action to add your site to the visitor's Favorites menu, which will display your icon if you have used my shortcut icon object. This action will only work on Internet Explorer 4 and higher.

Access from the behavior floater in the IE submenu.

Objecte 1. Sound. Incorpora un so midi, wav o aiff.

Apareixerà a la barra d'eines "Común"

Have your ever wanted to add a simple MIDI / WAV / AIFF sound in your page, and wished you had a 'Insert Sound' icon on the Objects window... Well then this is for you. It's a barebone sound insert extension ( and will not bug your visitor to download any plugin ). It also has option to set loop parameters.

Click on Insert Sound icon from the Objects window

Per a obtenir extensions fes click a l'adreça de Macromedia