CHEMICAL ANALISIS OF FOODS- "BROMATQUIM" pages and links relationated with the chemical analisis (in particular of foods), and other similar themes.
updated:26/05/2011 contact catalan castilian (spanish)


This site is under construction, so there are still links that appear in Spanish. It is also possible that the English language has some errors. Thanks for your patience.

practices Practices of the Iniciation Bromatology courses imparted by the author of this site from the Institut Politécnic de FP de Terrassa (IES de Terrassa), promoted for the CECOT and the European Social Fund.
downloads Download the complete texts of the practices and also other works of the author, such "Introducción al Análisis Químico Instrumental" (castilian language).

blog Space so that the visitors of this site can insert their observations, opinions, suggestions, etc.,

links To organizations, entities or private citizens, related with the theme of this space and others apparently not directly related but for their characteristics can offer rellevant links .
proffesional education Links to information of "Departament d'Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya", about high school in Catalonia for the realm of the analitical chemistry and nutrition.
universitys Links to the universities.
bibliography Bibliography references.
parenthesis Relaxed break space.
mail Contact author by e-mail


creating and maintaining web: Francesc Fernández, professor of Analysis and Industrial Chemistry and Technology

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