This document was created by Mª Regina Jiménez Blázquez, an English teacher at the IES de Tremp and Mª Ascensión Sanz Testón, an English teacher at the IES Pobla de Segur. They are the heads of their Departments of Foreign Languages. 

Both IES de Tremp and IES Pobla de Segur are located in the same area , Pallars Jussà (Lleida)

They completed the original version of this document as a project for the course Webquest, una eina per treballar amb Internet a l'aula in July, 2005.

Assistance for this project was provided by Sebastià Capella and José Luis Fierro, members of the Catalan Community of WebQuest.

All inquiries and comments regarding this document should be mailed to them at the following addresses: