Thes year at our school we are working out a project that has to dowith Mediterranean diet and the basis of this diet is the olive oil.  
So our teacher thought that it would be a nice experience to see how olive oil is produced and to share this experience with the children  
of other countris.  
Olive oil is produced like this: in the beginning workers cut the olive. Bifore they cut them they should spread special nylon tets under the olive trees. Then a man climbs up the tree and he starts beating the branches with a stick so that the olives fall down. They fall on the  
special nylons. The workers pick up the olives and they throw them into big baskets. Then they take all the olives to the oil press.  
And the procedure starts; first they put all of them into a piece of machinery which removes the leaves and then into a special Washing-machine where olives are washed.  
After that there is a special nipping-press which turns the olives into a pulp and removes the stones. The pulp falls into a piece of  
machinery through some pipes and we get oil out of it. So we take the olive oil which is very useful and tasty.  

      5th grade student)