Avui ha caigut l'ultima fulla dels arbres del meu carrer. Cada dia fa més fred i el sol ens deixa m‚s aviat, ja hem encés la calefacció. En aixecarme he mirat per la finestra i he vist molta boira. De sobte m'ha agafat fred i corrents he tornat al llit. Però ha vingut el meu pare i m'ha fet aixecar. 
Al cap d'una estona he anat al collegi. A la meitat de classe un nen ha cridat: "Esà nevant!" .I tothom ha anat a mirar. 
Al terra, aleshores, gairebé no hi havia neu, però al cap d'una estona ja n'estava totalment cobert. 
En un moment tots erem al pati. Que bé,  si neva molt, ens 
donaran un dia de festa! 
A la tarda he anat a classe de musica. En sortir, tot era fosc i 
ràpidament hem anat cap a casa. En arribar tenia molt fred, però m'he apropat al foc a terra. 
Que bé! És divendres! Aprofitant gue tenim el foc encés, la meva mare ens ha proposat fer unes torrades amb llonganissa, tomates i carxofes al caliu... Quin menjar més bo per acabar un dia especial! 
          Aleix Ferrus Vincente  
          2n de Cicle Superior
        Lorena Ferran 
        Vanessa Amoros 
        2n Cicle Superior
The last leaves had fallen off the trees in my street. The sun set sooner and the wather was colder and colder. We had already turned the heating on. When I got up, I looked through the window. It was foggy, I shivered 
and I went quickly back to bed. But my father came and got me to get up again. I went to school, but, half class, a boy shouted out, "It's snowing!" 
Everybody looked trough the windows. There was hardly a little snow on the ground, but, after a while, it was absolutely covered with it. 
"Great! If it snows hard we will have a holiday", sameone said. In the evening I went to music lesson. When it finished, it was dark and very cold. We went home quickly. I sat by the fireplace. It was Friday and, as the hearth was lit, my mother proposed to us that we should toast some bread, pork sausages, tomatoes, artichoques... A delicious meal to finish a special winter day