
Artists' Page

Joan Miró






Joan Miró was a catalan painter. He was born in 1893 and he died in 1983. He studied in Gall Arts School in Barcelona. Before 1920 he used the colours of fauvist, the fragmented shapes of cubism and the bidimensional of Catalan (frescos) . He travelled to París where he met Picasso, and with the influence of the poets and surrealist writers his style matured. Miró used the memory, the fantasy and the irrationality to create his works of art. These oniric views often are related to an humoristic or fantastic view of the reality by means of distorsionate images of animals playing, organic twisted shapes or strange geometric constructions . The composition of these works is made of some plan bottom of neutral tone and they are painted with a limited range of bright colours, especially blue, red, green and black. Each colour has a meaning. The red colour is the colour of Mont-Roig hermitage. The blue colour is the Mont-Roig sky. The green is the green of the carob trees. Miró had a special interest in these trees and in this village.




Miro make the objects alive and also he uses nature elements like regard's elements. Miró paints, does sculpturs, posters, graffitis and he uses many symbols. He is very linked with his country, Catalonia, and in all his work he proved it.<<Whenever an artist speaks from a nation like ours which has been cruelly shoved to the side by an unfortunate history he must make his voice heard throughout the world so as to affirm that Catalonia exists, that it is unique and alive, and to dispel all those stereotypes, misunderstandings and desires for harm>> . This thought is very present in some of his placards.




Miró is very interested in two towns, "Barcelona" and "Palma de Mallorca" and in a village, Mont-Roig. He lived and he worked in these places, for this reason they were so special for him. "I couldn't live in a country where the sea can not be seen. I mean the Mediterranean Sea." "Mallorca, Barcelona and Mont-Roig have formed my personality. My art was born in this triangle".

Palma de Mallorca




Miró represent in his paintings and also use in his sculptures objects and elements which concern to rural context (tools, landscapes). I can introduce you this rural context and also another traditional aspects trough his work.

Miro also does sculptures and paintings which are very linked to the material culture of the world of the Catalan farmworkers.

Another regarding it was the folklorical and magic world of the Catalan festivities the dragons, the giants...

In all his work Miró tries to express that Catalonia is alive and it must not be forget.