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Lectures complementàries dels autors

Ainscow, M. (1991). Effective schools for all. Londres, Fulton.

Ainscow, M., Hopkins, D., Southworth, G. i West, M. (1996). Creating the conditions for school improvement. Londres, Fulton.

Ainscow, M. (1999). Understanding the development of inclusive schools, London, Falmer.

Alliance for Inclusive Education (2001). The Inclusion Assistant, Londres, AIE.

Amstrong, F., Armstrong, D. i Barton, L., (1999). (eds). Inclusive education: policy, contexts and comparative perspectives, Londres, Fulton.

Balshaw, M. (1999). Help in the classroom (segona edició), Londres, Fulton.

Barrow, G (1998). Disaffection and inclusion. Merton's mainstream approach to difficult behaviour, Bristol, CSIE.

Bearne, E. (1996). Differentiation and diversity in the primary curriculum, Londres, Routledge.

Blair, M.; Bourne, J.; Coffin, C., Creese, A. i Kenner, C. (1999). Making the difference: teaching and learning strategies in successful multi-ethnic schools, Londres, HMSO.

Booth, T., Swann, W., Masterton, M., (eds) (1992). Curricula for diversity in education, Londres, Routledge.

Booth, T., Swann, W., Masterton, M., (eds) (1992). Policies for diversity in education, Londres, Routledge.

Booth, T., i Ainscow, M. (1998). From them to us: An international study of inclusion in education. Londres, Routledge.

Clark, C., Dyson, A., i Millward, A., (1995) (eds). Towards inclusive schools? Londres, Fulton.

Comission for Racial Equality (2000). Auditing for equality, Londres, CRE.

Denman, S., Moon, A., Parsons, C. I Steras, D. (2002). The health promoting school. Londres, Falmer.

Department of Education and Employment (1999). ‘Inclusion: providing effective learning opportunities for all pupils', a The national curriculum handbook for primary teachers in England, Londres, DfEE.

Department of Education and Employment (2000). Working with teachers assistents: a good practice guide, Londres, DfEE.

Department of Education and Employment (2000). Guidance on the education of children and young people in care, Londres, DfEE.

Department of Education and Employment (2001). Inclusive Schoool desing. Londres, DfEE.

Department of Education and Skills (2001). Statuory guidance. Inclusive schooling, children with special needs, Londres, DfEE.

Dixon, A., Drummornd, M. Hart, S. I McIntyre, D. (2002). Learning without limits, Milton Keymes, Open University Press.

Drummond, M. (1993). Assessing children's learning, Londres, David Fulton.

Duran, D., Echeita, G. Giné, C., Miquel, E., Ruiz, C. y Sandoval, M. (2005). Primeras experiencias de uso de la Guía para la evaluación y mejora de la educación inclusiva (Index for Inclusion) en el Estado español . Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 3 (1). 464-467.
http://www.ice.deusto.es/RINACE/reice/Vol3n1_e/Res_Duranetal.htm (Consultat 13-06-06)

Echeita, G. (2006). Educación para la inclusión o educación sin exclusiones. Madrid: Nercea.

Echeita, G. i Verdugo, M.A. (2004). La declaración e Salamanca sobre Necesidades Educativas Especiales 10 años después. Valoración y Prospectiva. Salamanca: INICO.

Eichinger, J., Meyer, L.H. i D'Aquanni, M. (1996) ‘Evolving best practices for learners with severe disabilities'. Special Education Leadership Review, p.1-13.

The Employers Organisation for Local Government (2001). The equality standard, Londres, EOLG.

Epstein, D. ed. (1998). Failing boys? Issues in gender and achievement, Buckingham, Open University Press.

Farrell, P., Balshay, M. i Polat, F. (1999). The management role and training of learning support assistants, Londres, DfEE.

Gillborn, D. i Gipps, C. (1996). Recent research on the achievement of ethnic minority pupils, Londres, HMSO.

Hart, S. (1996). Beyond special needs: Enhancing children's learning through innovative thinking, Londres, Paul Chapman.

Hart, S. (ed), (1996). Differentiation and the secondary curriculum, Londres, Routledge.

Hart, S. (2000). Thinking through teaching, Londres, David Fulton.

Hudak, G., i Kahn, P. (eds.) (2001). Labelling: pedagogy and politics, Londres, Routledge.

Huguet, T. (2006). Aprendre junts a l'aula. Una proposta inclusiva . Barcelona: Graó.

Jordan, L. i Goodey, C. (1996). Human rights and schools change, The Newham story. CSIE, Bristol.

Language and Curriculum Access Service (LcaS) (1999). Enabling progress in multilingual classrooms, Londres, London Borough of Enfield.

Leicester, M. (1991). Equal opportunities in school: sexuality, race, gender and special needs, Harlow, Longman.

Lipsky, D. i Gartner, A. (1997). Inclusion and school reform: Transforming America's classroom, Baltimore, P. Brookes Publishing.

Louis, K.S. i Miles, M. (1990). Improving the urban high school: What works and why, Londres, Teachers College.

MacBeith, J., Boyd, B., Rand, J. i Bell, S. (1996). Schools speak for themselves. National Union of Teachers.

Macpherson, W. (1999). The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Londres, HMSO.

Marlowe, B. A. i Page, M.L. (1998). Creating and sustaining the constructivist classroom, Londres, Corwin Press/Sage.

Murphy, P.F. i Gipps C. (1999). Equity in the classroom: towards effective pedagogy for girls and boys, Londres, Falmer i UNESCO.

Office for Standards in Education (1999). Raising the attainment of ethnic minority pupils; schools and local education authority responses, Londres, Routledge.

Onrubia, J. (coord.). Criterios psicopedagógicos y recursos para atender la diversidad en secundaria. Barcelona: Graó.

Potts, P., Armstrong, F. i Masterton, M. (1995). Equality and diversity in education: Learning, teaching and managing schools, Londres, Routledge.

Riddell, S. (1992). Gender and the politics of the curriculum, Londres, Routledge.

Rieser, R. i Mason, M. (eds) (1990). Disability equality in the classroom: a human rights issue, Londres, ILEA.
Rogers, R. (1996). Developing an inclusive policy for your school , Bristol, CSIE.

Rustemier, S. and Booth, T. (2005). Learning about the Index in use. A study of the use of the Index for Inclusion in schools and LEAs in England. Bristol: CSIE.

Sapon-Shevin, M (1999). Because we can change the world; a practical guide to building co-operative, inclusive classroom communities, Boston, Allyn and Bacon.

Sebba, J. i Ainscow, M. (1996). ‘International developments in inclusive education: mapping the issues'. Cambridge Journal of Education 26(1), 5-18.

Sebba, J. i Sachdev, D. (1997). What works in inclusive education? Ilford, Barnardo's.

Shaw, L. (1998). Inclusion in action; audio tape pack and guidebook, Bristol, CSIE.

Shaw. L. (2001). Learning supporters and inclusion, Bristol, CSIE.

Thomas, G., Walker, D. i Webb, J. (1998). The making of the inclusive school. Londres, Routledge.

United Nations (1998). UN Convention on the rights of the child, Londres, UNICEF.

UNESCO (1994). The Salamanca Statement and framework for action on Special Needs Education. Paris, UNESCO

Vaughan, M. (1995). ‘Inclusive education in Australia: policy development and research'. A Potts, P., Armstrong, F., i Masterson, M., (eds.) Equality and Diversity in Education: National and International Contexts , Londres, Routledge.

Warwick, I. I Douglas, N. (2001). Safe for all: a best practice guide to prevent homophobic bulling in secondary schools. Londres, Citizenship 21.

Weekes, D. i Wright, C. (1998). Improving practice: a whole school approach to raising the achievement of African Caribbean Youth, Nottingham, The Runnymede Trust.

Wertheimer, A. (1997). Inclusive Education. A framework for change. CSIE, Bristol.

Wilson, C. i Jade, R. (1999) Talking and listening to disabled young people at school, Londres, Alliance for Inclusive Education.

Winter, R. (1989). Learning from experience: principles and practice in action-research. Londres, Falmer.  


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