In this page you will find answers to some questions about the Three RRR and how important they are for our lives.
    What do the THREE RRR stand for?
    1. REUSE:  means using certain things as many times as possible, or let other people use them.
    2. REDUCE:  means lowering the quantity of waste we produce.
    3. RECYCLE: means processing things that have already been used, so that they can be used again.
    Did you know that ...
    • a family of four members produces around 1 m3 of rubbish every month?
    • around 80% of waste can be of use before it becomes rubbish?
    • only 40% of rubbish can be recycled?

What is rubbish?
There are many definitions of the term rubbish, for most of them it means all the waste material produced by humans  as a result of different activities such as domestic, industrial, commercial, etc.

What can we do with domestic rubbish?
There are many ways of getting rid of rubbish, for example by burning, burying, crushing it, etc, but the best we can do is recycling it. 

How can we recycle it?

  • First of all we need to separate the different waste into two big groups:  organic waste and inorganic waste.
    • Inorganic waste can be divided into plastic, metal, paper, glass and other, then it can be recycled
    • Organic waste can be transformed into humus or organic soil by means of a process called composting.

Why should we recycle?

  • We save energy.
  • We save water.
  • We save trees.
  • We save natural resources.
  • We help stop pollution.
All this information is based on the Universidad del Pacifico web page 
We encourage you to visit it.

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