Home Anna Esteban, Llicència d'estudis a St Helens, 2005-06

2. Marbling


To create individual prints
Colour  pattern

Oil paints
A shallow waterproof tray
A dropper
A comb or a fork to spread the ink
Some vinegar ( to dispose the ink)
Art paper smaller than the tray.



Books: Art 3

Talk about

How to prepare the marbling ink: You can get a ready marbling paint or Put some vinegar in the tray of water and drop some oil paint in one colour. The add a few drops of other colours for multicoloured print
How to use a comb to spread oil and make a pattern and then how to leave the paper on the water to take the print.
The purpose of the marbling paper.

To record the tools and materials used.


Drop a few drops of your marbling ink ( or oil paint plus vinegar) into sallow ready prepared tray of water.
Add a few drops of other colours. To create a pattern in the tray use a comb and gently stir the colours about allowing them to mix and separate and cover the surface of the water.

Choose a piece of paper, curve it in the centre to avoid air pockets. The pattern will print on the paper immediately and it can then be lifted off and left to dry.

Take two or more prints from the same tray and see how each one is different and slightly paler, before adding more paint.

Developing the idea

  • Try marbling on different colours of paper.
  • Use the marbling paper for a collage, for letters design, to write  a poem.
  • Use the marbling paper for any of other purpose student propose.
  • Use two or three primary colours to reinforce colour mixing.

Vocabulary and language

Printing skills: stencil, print, block print, roller, printing ink.
Monochrome and multi-coloured print.
Visual qualities: Shape, pattern, decoration, symmetry, natural


- Do they use and care the materials properly?
- Have they made enough effort to succeed?