Home Anna Esteban, Llicència d'estudis a St Helens, 2005-06

2. Working with wire, modroc and foil

Two or three
To make figures using wire, modroc and foil.
To learn skills to arrange materials.
To learn about the work of local sculptors, known artists and different sculptures.

Flexi wire
Cardboard, box card.
Tape, sticky tape
Aluminium foil
Water container
Acrylic or poster paint


Pictures from different kind of sculptures.
Pictures from neighbourhood sculptures.
The work of Sculptors: Henry Moore, Alexander Calder and Pablo Picasso.

Books: Art 3 and Art 4, Step by Step
Webs: The Standards Site:
   Art Attack

Talk about

Famous artist in the village, what are the their sculptures made of?

Explore about the material they used. Using Stone or Wood like Henry Moore, Wire and mobiles as Alexander Calder or found materials as Picasso. Show some of their works.

The purpose of the sculptures, are they long lasting, temporary, to resist weather?

How to use wire, Modroc and foil. Which kind of materials are they? How can they be arrange together. How to use them in a safe way, i.e.( making a loom at the end of wire.)

Show them how these methods are: bending, twisting, looping and curving. Modroc dries very quickly and gets hard.


To record best from observations or pictures of sculptures of the area, the name of the artist and the title of each piece. Sketch some of the shapes or figures they see. They will use one of them.
Write down how to use wire safety and how to use Modroc. Look at the word "Armature" and write down what it means.


Activity 1: Wire and Modroc figures

1 - Choose some strips of wire and bend a loop at each end before begin joining the structure together. Start to make the thickness' part first. This may need several pieces twisted and curled together as it will need to be strong and firm before you begin adding parts.
2 - Collect extra pieces of wire as you need them. When you have an interesting and stable structure, place it on some newspaper.
3 - Wrap in strips of Modroc. Choose the strip and dip it in water for a little while and wrap it around your wire structure. Wrap the trunk shape first. You will need several strips.
4 - When the hole structure is wrapped let dry it. If it's unstable prop it up with some boxes whilst dries.
5 - If they wish they can add some paint.

Activity 2: Aluminium figures

1 - Start by scrunching up newspaper into a body shape. Use plenty of sticky tape to hold it in shape and Twist some strips of newspaper into arms and legs and arrange them with tape. Bend the bottom of the legs to make the feet.
2 - Scrunch up a thin ball of paper to make a head and stick to hold in the place.
3 - When you have all the parts of the body made and attack them together, use plenty of tape and take your time.
4 - To make your figure stand up, you need to make a base. Cut a piece of cardboard box card to the shape you like and tape it in the position you prefer, standing up, sitting, waking, playing...
5 - Then, cover your figure in aluminium foil. Students will need more sticky tape. Painting the figures are optional.

Developing the idea

  • Make a group of structure based on a theme.
  • Make any other structure as animals or things.
  • Work with a "sculpture residence"

Vocabulary and language
Natural materials: grass, bark, pebbles, leaves.
Made materials: fabric, card, clay tiles, plastic
Visual qualities: Shape, form colour.
Tactile qualities: hard, soft, rough, smooth, rigid
Materials and processes: sculpture, carving, modelling, constructing.


- Investigate and use materials and processes to communicate ideas and meaning in 3D form.
- Describe what they think or feel about their own work and other' work.
- Encourage to identify qualities in their work. Use the vocabulary to help description in English.