5 webs amb recursos gràfics

National Geographic
Library of Congress

Geo-Images Project

Earth Station 1

Images of American Political History

A. "Visions Galleries", National Geographic -
  1. William Albert Allard, “Blues Highway”
  2. William Albert Allard, “High Noon”
  3. Chris Anderson, “Qinghai Journey”
  4. Nina Berman, “Scenes From Times Square”
  5. Jean-Claude Coutausse, “Dancing With Spirits”
  6. William DeKay, “Down Home Canada”
  7. Penny De Los Santos, “Visa Pour l’Image”
  8. Nigel Dickinson, “Temps Gitans”
  9. David Doubilet, “A World of Moonlight”
  10. Karen Ducey, “Mining Crab in Alaska”
  11. David Alan Harvey, “Cuban Moment”
  12. Karen Kasmauski, “Looking Inside”
  13. Mattias Klum, “Malaysia’s Secret Realm”
  14. Reza, “Caspian Sea”
  15. Denise Rocco, “Road to Timbuktu” 
  16. James L. Stanfield, “Eye of the Beholder”
  17. Ron Tarver, “African-American Cowboys”
  18. Ilkka Uimonen, “Faces of Afghanistan”

B. American Memory exhibits, Library of Congress -


C. The Geo-Images Project,  G. Donald Bain, University of California at Berkeley -

  1. Images of Arabia (Yemen and Saudi Arabia)

D. Earthstation1:
The Internet's Media Museum.
MP3 Wav Audio & Digital Video of the Media Age -



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