2. If you are working with a partner talk about the following:

If you are working on your own you may decide to
     Think about these questions in English.
     Write your answers and give them for suggestions/correction.

Why do this?
    The activity will give you a chance to talk/write
    You may refresh vocabulary/connectors and get a chance to use them in context.

a) How often do you go to the cinema? What kind of movies do you go to see?

b) What was the last film/play you saw? Try and translate the title in English (if in another language). Then explain the story plot shortly.

c) Recall the last book you read. Would you recommend it? Make an oral review on it. You cannot say ONLY "I liked it or not". Make an effort to explain the interesting things about it. Use appropriate adjectives when describing (see previous activity). Make your explanation logical by using suitable connectors.



SWIM HomeActivities Advanced