1. Click here to reach an on-line newspaper. Browse through the news and read one or two columns/articles that seem interesting to you.

Why do this? To switch your mind into the daily news and to become aware of the difficulties of reading the press.  

2. After reading the columns in the Internet think why the reading was difficult. Use the 8 points below which are meant as guidelines. Discuss all the items with a partner- if possible.

Why do this?
   To become more aware of comprehension problems. To understand better where the difficulty lies.
   To increase your confidence by enabling you to make these judgements.

If reading "The Guardian" on-line seemed to you a difficult task,TICK the reasons WHY…

1.- There were too many new and unknown words.

2.- There were too many long words.

3.- The sentences were far too long.

4.- It was a new subject matter.

5.- The column contained unknown references or people.

6.- I didn't have any prior knowledge on the subject.

7.- The article was not logically structured.

8.- Others…


SWIM HomeActivities Advanced