4. WRITING: You are going to write a letter back home where your family is expecting some news from you and your grandson. Look at the picture of the camp before and after and write about the changes that have taken place.

When writing your letter you may want to use the sentences you have ticked as useful and possibly also some of the adjectives (antonyms) you have worked on. Include in your letter the following aspects:

Describe what some little villages that lie scattered round the park look like.
Mention the different sports that can be played these days like hiking on the hills, canoeing...
Mention that the Government has protected a number of species.
Mention that special observatories have been built both to observe and photograph the fauna (name those that appear in your pictures).
Explain that the course of a brook, which flowed down from the hills, has been changed and nowadays the current floods the meadows. Describe the stream and the quality of its waters. Describe your feelings at sunset sitting by the stream (one of your pictures was taken there as your grandson was throwing pebbles into it).

Start this way and build about 5 long paragraphs:


Dear family,
You must be wondering what has come of us but I needed to be in this place for some time before I could express my feelings about it clearly enough.

First of all let me tell you that the child is just fine. Actually he just told me he's having the time of his life. As to our visit to the camp I could say how true it is that "April's showers bring for May flowers" because I still cannot believe my eyes when I see how much this place has changed after the horrors we lived there.

There are none of the old buildings left. The bulldozers must have demolished the camp long ago and, in its place, grass and flowers have grown and trees have been planted.



SWIM HomeActivities Intermediate