1. The paragraphs in this article have been numbered from 1 to 8. Read the following headlines and write next to them the number of the paragraph they correspond to.

Why do this? These headlines try to express the main idea of the paragraph (in different words). You can compare the WHILE READING activity (in which you marked the main idea of the paragraph) to these headlines. Are they similar to yours? Which (yours or these, or both?) do you think are more suitable as a summary?.

1.- The rise of crime rate and unemployment are national concerns

2.-Argentina is a new country built up by immigrants ever since the beginning of the 20th century

3.- When a country has crime and work problems it is easier to blame the "poor" foreigners.

4.- Imigrants find it hard to meet the legal requirements since legal employment is not facilitated

5.- Menem announces measures against illegal immigrants and enhances inhuman control methods

6.- Among ruling politicians there are racist beliefs that nationals are first and foreigners come afterwards if jobs are scarce

7.- The real problem is racism against second-class immigrants

8.- Politicians in rule and the opposition do not agree on who is to blame for street crime.



SWIM HomeActivities Upper-Intermediate