How does it work ?
Basically by looking at the story with your students , by reading it and encouraging a discussion about what is the best way or ways to solve Ona’s problem. Once the students have thought about and decided on a solution you can send your proposals to the web page.

Each new chapter will be elaborated with the new ideas received and will end with a new proposal.


Chapter 1: Ona is alone
The first chapter explains the principal functions of the body and the introduction to the world of technology, these are introduced by looking for parallels between the different parts of the body with some of the tools that man has developed.

To help us construct Ona’s friend it is necessary to first think about the functions of different parts of our body and which tools we are familiar with that could replace or help these functions. Lastly we need to think about how we are going to organise these to build our robot.


Chapter 2: This doesn’t work !

This chapter introduces sources of energy, the energy that we ourselves need to function and the energy we need for other things to function, therefore the energy we need to be able to work . We are simply helping the students to realise that all things that we see and use in everyday life there is always energy used to make things operate.

We aim to help the students reflect on how their toys, cars, living things, sail boats, solar plaques... etc function. We should take the students to visit different places where they can see the variety of ways we can take advantage of various forms of energy. ( mechanical, thermal, chemical, light...) and enlighten them on the different possible ways to obtain these, as well as the necessity and dependence we have on them.

Finally we need to think of and invent different ways to make the robot work, obviously the story will have a fantastic ending. The ideas should be scientific whilst the story is based on the world of fantasy.


Chapter 3: The great exhibition 

In this chapter apart from the exhibition which allows the robot to come to life, we introduce the theme of vital necessities. On one hand our first step is to differentiate between living and non living things and on the other hand a special emphasis on the necessities of living things and on ourselves, with our own peculiarities (emotions, affections, language and thoughts).

To work with the students:
Differentiate living / non living
The characteristics of living things

·      Open system, respect of the environment, in which there is a continual exchange of material, energy and information.

·   Complex, made up of many different parts and elements.

o     They have the capacity to renew themselves and reconstruct parts of the body that have been damaged

o      The capacity to reproduce

o   Interchange materials and energy with their surroundings so that they can feed and breathe.

o      Interchange information with the environment in this way they are able to react against danger and manifest the necessity for shelter

o      They modify and change with time.

  IRRSAE Piemont (1994). Coneixement del medi natural. Actualització científica Vic: Eumo . Innovació curricular i escola.


What does Ona and the Robot offer us ?

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