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International Competition - "A symbol for the enlarged Europe"


Spring Day Teachers from Poland - Halina Bednarz, England – Karl Donert, and from Belgium – Jean-Pierre Bartholeyns, are in the Jury of the international competition 'Extended Europe Logo' according to one of the Spring Day general project.

Welcome to take part (only registered on Spring Day website schools could be the winner)

European Club “Wroclawianie” at Stanislaw Tolpa Primary School no 90 in Wroclaw is turning with request to the teachers from each type of school with students up to 19 with an offer of a European Computer Graphic Arts Competition that is included in the Spring Day in Europe 2004

We are aiming at spreading the idea of developing and expanding European Union among children and teenagers and engaging them into creating common European values and beliefs, developing their imagination and exceptional ideas in using computers as universal means of communication. Conditions of participation:


- Using any graphic program you may independently prepare a project entitled "Extended Europe Logo" that would present a logo or a symbol of unifying Europe using elements related to local or European society

- You may use any trick photos, clip arts or scanned photos.

- You may use a wide range of means to create a computer graphic project or an artistic one (Oil paint, crayons, pastels or collage). Ready made project is to be sent to the competition organizers on a form available here by 16 March 2004.

- Each school may send 6 project at the most, which should have been chosen during preliminary school competition.

- Pictures’ format: compulsory .jpg; Resolution: any

- You should remember that usually the best projects have been prepared independently by the students

- You give your project to possession of the competition organizers









The competition organizers expect:

- To select project by independent international jury in age groups from 10 to 14 and from 15 to 18
- To give the results of the competition on the 23 March 2004 and announce them at the wesites and others
- To give prizes and rewards , and for the supervisors- thanks
- To stipulate the right to exhibit the projects
- To exhibit the project from 23 March
- to publish the results of the competition and winners' projects in Polish and foreign newspapers and magazines





tel +48-507325406, 48-71-7924374

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