Propuestas didácticas > Centrando la atención en Europa > Juntos en Europa > Un símbolo para Europa > Material para los alumnos: El toro de Osborne> Producciones de los Alumnos


Bullfights are typical in Spain. Bulls are related to bullfights

People like this bull, and it is beautiful

The bull represents bullfights in Spain, because bullfights are very important

The bull is bad for me, but it is a good symbol of Spain, because Spain is very famous for bullfights. I'm from Catalonia and I like my place. For me it is not Spain.

I don't like the Osborne bull, because they always kill the bull, and I don't like that.

Spain would not be the same without bulls

I don't like bulls because they are very dangerous. I also hate bullfights because they kill the bull.

I think bullfights are tradition in Spain.

The Osborne Bull represents Spain because bullfighters are very important in this country. Bullfights are beautiful.

When I see the Osborne Bull I think of liberty, because the bull lives in the mountains.

People like bullfights, but I don't like killing animals.