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Last update 16.05.12


Step one Step two Step three Step four/Students' productions  

Do these exercises using the paragraphs given as a reference.

1.- What three diseases are mentioned in this paragraph? (par.1)

2.- What are stem cells capable of? (par.2)

3.- What can embryonic stem cells develop into when transplanted? (par.3)

4.- What is wrong with diabetics' pancreases? (par.4)

5.- Can adult stem cells reprogram themselves to learn a new function?(par. 5)

6.- What two types of cloning has the House of Representatives voted to ban? (par. 6)

7.- Why is stem cell research a controversial subject? (par. 7)

8.- Find a synonym of "human fetuses". (par. 8)

9.- What is defined as "a living cell with a complete set of human DNA with the potential of becoming a human being"? (par. 9)

10.- What two desires create the conflict? (par. 10)