r1037 Steiner inellipse, centroid
r1044 orthocenter, isogonal of the infinite point
r1045 Jerabek hyperbola, perspective
r1073 Brocard line, isodynamic points
r1128 symmedian point
r1130 Lemoine line, Brocard ellipse
r1138 circumcircle, incircle, point X(57), point X(55)
r1221 circumcenter, antipedal triangle, perspective
r1276 orthocenter
r1294 Lemoine line, perspective
r1321 circumcenter
r1323 circumcenter, cevian triangle
r1356 circumcenter, Euler line
r1367 incenter, perspective, point X(100)
r1421 orthocenter, circumcenter, ninecenter
r1422 orthocenter, complement
r1427 incircle
r1428 circumcircle, pedal triangle, pedal circle
r1429 intouch triangle, incenter, Feuerbach point, point X(100)
r1440 isogonal points, incenter, point X(56), homothetic triangles
r1504 orthocenter, anticomplement, isogonal points, concyclic points
r1551 incenter, circumcenter, Euler line, point X(165)
r1552 incenter, Euler line
r1553 symmedian point
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