r44 perspector, cevian quotient, centroid
r45 cevian quotient, cevian product, perspector, tripole
r59 incenter, excenters, cevian triangle
r134 pedal circle
r154 orthocenter, orthoassociate points
r215 isogonal points, circumcircle
r216 Steiner circumellipse, isotomic points
r229 perspective, cevian triangle, side triangle
r265 circumcevian triangle, perspective, symmedian point, tangential triangle
r283 ninecircle
d Steiner circumellipse
d Feuerbach hyperbola
d Jerabek hyperbola
d Kiepert hyperbola
r407 circumcircle, Euler line, cevian triangle, isogonal points, point X(115), point X(125), inverse points
r413 tripolar, Euler line, perspector
r446 circumcircle, point X(100), point X(190), Mittenpunkt
r450 circumcircle, circumcenter, orthocenter, isogonal points, isogonal of the infinite point
r508 point X(115), point X(110), Parry point, Stammler hyperbola, centroid, symmedian point
r520 isogonal of the infinite point, isogonal points, circumcevian triangle, circumcircle
r533 orthologic triangles, perspective
r535 isogonal points, tripole, tripolar
r550 intouch triangle, incircle, cevian triangle
r571 Bevan point, Spieker point, incenter, anticomplement, orthopole
r574 isotomic points, tripolar, perspector, complement, isotomic complement
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