

In this radio programme your are going to hear some new words. Read and listen to them. Make su re you know what they mean.

starve: teñir fam, morir-se de gana
schedule: programa, horari
shed light: iHuminar, projectar llum
willing: desitjós de, disposat a

Now read the questions slowly before listening to the radio programme.


Welcome to A different world, a program about people working for a world full of understanding and solidarity.

Today it's our pleasure to interview Peter Blissful. Peter is an active member of Clowns Without Limits, a non-profitable organisation formed by clowns and comedians from all over the world. They are volunteers who travel to countries at war trying to give children and adults a chance to laugh, to forget for a while all the sadness and the sufferings of their lives.

PRESENTER: Welcome to A different world, Mr. Blissful. We have received hundreds of calis in advance. Our audience is delighted to have you with us today.

PETER: It is always a pleasure to visit a program which cares so much about people in need of help and support.

[Now listen to the rest of the interview]

(....)          (....)



Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. Look at number 0 as an example.


0. Clowns Without Limits ¡s an organization...
 of clowns working in places of conflict.
q  which represents the interests of clowns worldwide.
q  which finds new young clowns to find professional opportunities.

1. In this interview, Peter Blissful wishes he would be...
q  working in a country where children need his help.
q  working in a simple circus in a peaceful town
q  doing his Job in front of a peaceful audience.

2. Peter Blissful has worked with Clowns Without Limits in countries such as:
q  Croatia, Bosnia, Salvador, Ruanda and Kosovo.
q  Croatia, Bosnia, Chile, East Serbia and West Timo
q  Bosnia, East Timor, Salvador and Nicaragua

3. The group of clowns he works with...
q  give solo performances very often.
q   act only in group, never separatedly.
q  doesn't give solo shows very often.

4. How does Clowns Without Limits get financial support?
q  Through the United Nations and the contribution of the USA.
q  Mostly through membership fees and TV advertising.
q  Through the UNESCO, membership fees and merchandising.

5. Do governments in the countries in conflict make the job of the organization easy?
q   Most of them don't.
q   Some of them don't.
q   Most of them do.

6. Why were Peter Blissful and his troupe once detained?
q   Because the government was afraid they could tell the world the poor conditions of a camp of refugees.
q   Because they had hundreds of photographs of the camp where they had performed.
q   Because the government was afraid they could see the conditions ¡n the camp of refugees.

7. Why wasn't the affair made public?
q   Because the war was almost over.
q   Because refugees might suffer as a result of it.
q   Because the government apologized to the troup immediately.

8. What would Peter Blissful like to do if his job in Clowns Without Limits was no longer necessary?
q   He would join this radio programme every week.
q   He would travel around the world looking for more refugees.
q   He would tell stories about refugee camps.