INS Màrius Torres

c/ Narcís Monturiol, 2 25002-Lleida Telf. 973 26 09 00



Our school has a long record in the Comenius projects; these European projects enrich our students, due to the fact that they share experiences with boys and girls from other countries, that is to say, other cultures. Moreover, the language shared among them is the English language which is a way to enhance our students’ interest in their knowledge of this language.

Once more, this school year we participate in a Comenius project with school partners from other European countries: Iceland, Finland, France, Germany, Italy and Spain as well as the collaboration of a Chinese school. English is the language spoken among us, but the variety of countries participating in the project allows the practice of other languages as well.

The goals of this project are firstly to do a research about different popular and traditional games from our own countries, and secondly to design among us a game to learn our different cultures all together.

Our students will have the opportunity to share new cultures and experiences by living with the families of their partners and hosting them when they would pay a visit to our school.

We thank you for your collaboration.