


Maria-Mercè Marçal i Serra happened to be born in Barcelona, November 13th, 1952, but she liked saying she was from Ivars d’Urgell, the village where she would spent her childhood and, after her death in 1998, was buried.










Poet, in her complete poetryworks Llengua abolida and Raó del cos; narrator, in the novel La passió segons Renée Vivien, the tale Jocs de màscares and the adaptation for children of La disputa de l’Ase, by priest Turmeda in collaboration with Glòria Puig and drawings by Montse Ginesta; she translates Leonor Fini, the argentinian painter and writer, together with poet Felicia Fuster; also Colette and Marguerite Yourcenar. Collaborating with the writer Monika Zgustová, she also translates the russian poets Anna Akhmàtova and Marina Tsvetàieva.

These collaborations do not only accomplish a lack of language accuracy when translating into the catalan language; also, these collaborations with other women try to deep and intimately know the other, an open re-construction, breaking silences, rescuing forgotten names, opening windows to the culture of woman amongst women.

Therefore the task of arising hidden names: Isabel de Villena, Clementina Arderiu, Rosa Leveroni, Maria Antònia Salvà...; this is why the Comitè d’Escriptores del Centre Català del PEN together along with Montserrat Abelló, Neus Aguado, Josefa Contijoch, Mercè Ibarz and Lluïsa Julià was created; the roots of the series of dramatized lectures “Cartografies del desig”, held at The House Elizalde in 1997 and 1998, fostered by Araceli Bruch and the Comitè d’Escriptores del Centre Català del PEN.

Poetry, novel, translations, essays, articles, conferences, lectures … fill the literary path of a woman whose passion is the center, the life intensely lived, the blood and the word, the flesh.

© ccatalà

© yaf (tanslation)

Poemes 1 2 3

Traducciones 1 2 3
