Abstract I Catalogation I Description I Structure I Context I References

6. Synthesis (unified relation of the earlier parts).

The Birth of Venus shows, synthetically, the animating, vivifying, creative action of the element Fire on the other three: Air, Earth and Water.

Venus is born from the castration of Uranus, possessing the pristine power to shape the material: Fire is feminine because of its maternal character as a giver of life; Venus, born from the sea, is a State which simply exists, waiting the action of the rest from the depth of her essence, disseminating her vitalizing power, evident in the form of the shell: the radii of the mollusk extend circularly, as fire expands, growing from its center, or as gas surges from a valve. The nakedness of Venus indicates the essential, original position of fire, given its heat, without which we could not exist; the abundant blond hair seems to demonstrate this igneous character. Venus, Fire, is placed over Water, its opposing element, which points out her conciliatory aspect.

The Waters manifest an opposing character, in their horizontal quality, to Fire which is vertical. On the other hand, the Waters themselves express the overcoming of a contradiction: the sea water, salty, very wide and smooth, unites with the fresh water of the river which flows, meandering and earthly, through the lower right part of the painting.

Air is also represented by the union of two contradictory factors of the element: on the one hand there is Aeolus, the hurricane, the strong cold wind, dressed in blue, with a masculine aspect, who blows on Fire with force; on the other Aeolus is unified with his contrary, the soft Zephyr, the breeze, of a more delicate aspect, covered with a brown robe, who blows with less stregth.

Earth is represented in the Mantle which will cover Fire to take advantage of its heat, which the feminine character on the right carries; the representation of Earth, like that of Water or Air, is also dualistic: the vegetal verdure is horizontal, immobile and passive (mantle), but the vegetal species are active and bud vertically, and the bearer of the Mantle, who wears floral adornments in her clothing, expresses this contradictory character in her movements.

The three elements are united: the fresh Water crosses the Earth before arriving at the salty sea; the Sea and the Earth enter each other's space in the little bays which are formed; also, the Air, with the wind, ripples the Water of the sea forming little waves; finally the Air inflates the mantle of the Earth, and she sends flowers to the air.

Thus there are three contradictory States of Matter, in their original characteristics, around the Fourth Element, Fire, that which gives Life to the others, presented as a mere State, essence and motor, allowing the others to participate in this essence and transform it into Activity; the Conceptual Structural Skeleton visually shows these ideas).

It is possible to use the model in the class, or by multimedia, through different formats (see references). Once the students know the pattern, they can do exercices of analogy , e.g: it is possible to project to the Spring, the methodology used for The Birth of Venus.