1. Read three reviews that follow. The first is about Giacometti's art sculptures on exhibit, the second about a theatre play in the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya in Barcelona and the third about a novel that was published in 2000. While you are reading INSERT the 5 phrases given to you in the right place in the text:

Why do this?
   Reading these reviews will give you a model to express your own opinions later on.
   Inserting the phrases will be a good practice on how to use the context to understand parts of a text.

Giacometti's art is recognisable at first sight, unique for its skinny figures which walk in loneliness or stand motionless in utter desolation. His figures stand either by themselves or in small groups that express no communication whatsoever among their individuals.
His human sculptures seem to fit in within the twentieth century line of existentialist thinking: Yet, at the same time, the artist seems to take away from his sculptures all inessential features to leave them with the very essence of simplicity, with the basics of human nature and life. In this sense, one feels the haunting beauty of these pieces and their spiritual lightness rather than the despair for human existence that some people interpret.

From an early age, Giacometti saw the world his own way. As if he belonged to the interpretative school of subjectivism, he took pleasure in saying that we describe the world in the light of social conventions and agreements: . He seemed to believe that things are not necessarily one way or another, but rather the way we perceive them.
In the early forties, he created sculptures that were no taller than a couple of centimetres. He said: "wanting to create everything I had seen from memory, to my horror the sculptures became smaller and smaller. They only looked right small". When, later on, Giacometti wanted to sculpt larger figures, to his own surprise they came out tall and skinny as we know them today.
The exhibition shown at La Pedrera (Barcelona) from April to May 2000 shows a range of Giacometti's work to the skin-and-bone sculptures that have made him famous.

I would say go for the Giacometti. See it for yourself and be prepared to feel anything, . The exhibition is a must whatever your reaction may be.



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