3. While you are reading INSERT the 4 phrases given to you in the right place in the text:

May/June 2002     

     Associated Ltd
     & 10- 2000 pts

Paulo Coelho's Veronica wants to die is the antithesis of a best-seller. Set in contemporary Slovenia just after the war in the mid 90's Coelho's shocking story about a girl , is a touching intense story full of insight into the blurry line that separates "normal" from "insane" people .A few pages about the life in hospitals of the mentally handicapped which offer a very personal view of madness and suffering. The novel may recall Coelho's own experience in a mental asylum at an early age "for his own good". The reader may be reminded of films such as Wim Wenders' "The Million Dollar Hotel" or "Someone flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" -two other masterpieces .



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