1. Choose among these endings the ones that seem appropriate for informal/personal letters.

Why do this?
   To tell the difference between informal endings and formal ones.
   To have models for the endings of your own letters.

1.- Well, I must stop now. What's your news?

Yes No

2.- That's all the news from this end. What about you?

Yes No

3.- Looking forward to receiving a letter from you.

Yes No

4.- No more news to tell. Write soon and tell me yours.

Yes No

5.- Yours faithfully,

Yes No

6.- Yours sincerely,

Yes No

7.- Anyway. I must finish now. What's happening in your life?

Yes No

8.- Well, nothing more to tell you just now. I hope to see you soon.

Yes No

9.- Love, (or) All my love, (or) Love and kisses, (or)Kisses (or) Hugs,

Yes No

10.- By for now, (or) See you soon, (or) Best wishes, (or) Regards,

Yes No



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