1. Cloze test. You will read below a letter/note of invitation. Some words have been blanked for you. Fill the spaces with ONE word.

Why do this?
   Doing a cloze test will give you a chance to practise for exams.
   Cloze tests help you have a better knowledge of English.
   Having to fill in the blanks gives you a good purpose to do the reading.
   Reading this model letter will help you make your own invitations later.


7, Corton Long Lane
20th May

How are you all? We haven't heard you for a long time now. We are doing fine we're sometimes worked up/exhausted by the end of the week. This is just a short note to you know we' re giving an evening on Friday, 21st June to celebrate the beginning of the summer season.
It's nothing out of the ordinary; just the usual snacks and wine. Rawya is bringing along her CD player so feel free to carry some music along with you.
We have space so there's no problem with you staying the night, you need to.

We would to see you that evening!
Please, .

Love, Ralph




Remember that in informal/personal letters you may want to use dashes instead of full stops / commas / question marks and also exclamation marks, capital letters and underlining. All of these will help you give emphasis.




When writing letters of invitation you may use formulas such as:

Your address    

Dear ...,
How are you doing?
We're giving / having / arranging / hosting a party and we were wondering if you would like to come.
We're ... Would you like to ...?
We're ... Why don't you ...?




Phrases that may be useful for accepting invitations (From informal to formal)

Thank you / thanks for your ...
The answer is "yes"
I'd love to go to your ...
Your invitation was a lovely / delightful surprise
I'd be very happy / very pleased to accept your / come to ...




Phrases that may be useful for refusing invitations(From informal to formal; after them REMEMBER to give a convincing excuse!)

I'm very sorry but I'll have to say "no"
I'm very sorry but I'll have to refuse
I'm very sorry but I simply can't make it
I'm very sorry but I simply can't come
I'm terribly sorry to have to...
Thank you for your... but unfortunately...
It is not possible / quite impossible for me to...
I'm (quite) unable to...




SWIM HomeActivities Intermediate