3. Write three diary entries (of about 6/7 lines each) for three days that you remember well in your recent past. Follow these tips:

Do a first draft as a free writing
Read the text again and spot mistakes. Correct them.
Use a dictionary.
Revise paragraphs.
See if your sequencing is correct "First, then, Besides, Also, Finally, etc". Include some more coherent connectors if they are needed.
Read the text once more and try to include some powerful and suitable adjectives.
Give the three diary entries to your teacher/tutor for corrections/suggestions.

Why do this? To try and write better about yourself or the others.



4. Further reading practice in the Internet.

Click here if you want to read diary entries by children.
Click here if you want to read diary entries on an expedition to the Pole.


SWIM HomeActivities Pre-Intermediate