2. Write a letter of opinion to the editor and try to include these phrases:

1. "I am writing in response to your article … published on … I must say that I fully disagree with / I couldn't agree more with …".
2. "In the first place/Firstly …", "In the second place / Secondly / Besides …" -> To build up your ideas
3. "On the one hand…", "On the other hand …" -> To contrast ideas
4. "In conclusion…", "In short", "To sum up"


When writing a letter of opinion follow these tips:

a) Use appropriate language. Choose your words carefully.
b) Introduction: State your opinion in the first paragraph.
c) Reasons: Write one or two paragraphs to put forward all the pros and the cons.
d) Conclusion: Restate your opinion briefly.




SWIM HomeActivities Upper-Intermediate