Before you begin any of the 10 tasks, you should always be aware on what they will be evaluated.

Victorian Times WebQuest  

Evaluation by the same students :


At the end of the WebQuest, you will complete a self-evaluation sheet, and one for your partners in the team evaluating their collaboartion.


Self- Evaluation rubric


Collaboration Evaluation rubric ( by other members in the team )


Once each team has carried out their presentation, the other students belonging to the other teams will also evaluate it.


Presentation Evaluation rubric ( by class group )


The teacher will review the evaluations and, of course, make changes/additions as necessary.


Students will be evaluated by the teacher :


Individual Evaluation rubric :

Each student will be graded on four aspects: Article, oral presentation , Creative activities and Class discussion
  The teacher may add any comments about the learning process of student

Team work evaluation rubric:


The teams will be evaluated in 8 different areas: Balanced discussion within the team, Organization, Focus on the topic, Accuracy of the facts,Creativity, Even collaboration, Resolution and Interest.

by anna aznar & jordi jordan

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