Propuestas didácticas >Valores > The peace bell > solidaridad de los profesores Spring

La solidaridad de los demás asesores pedagógicos


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Quiero transmitiros que todos, absolutamente todos los profesores asesores de los demás países que participan en la Primavera de Europa, así como el equipo de la European Schoolnet, con Brigit Parry a la cabeza, e incluso los representantes del Ciberbús escolar de las Naciones Unidas, responsables de la iniciativa de la Campana de la Paz, me han transmitido sus condolencias por el brutal atentado de Madrid.

Por su simbolismo y su conexión con la campana de la Paz, me permito copiar aquí el mensaje de la profesora Eslovena, Sra. Magdalena Bobek,

"Dear Nuria,
Sometimes I think to myself, what's the use of teaching our children positive things like the values of life when there are so many outside factors that demolish everything that is good, everything that humanity stands for. But then, I suppose that if we never try to fight back, we will be losing the little humanity we have left.

As you know in our country we have a wishing bell on the only island in Slovenia, Bled. My student Eva Ule described the legend behind it for Susanne's webpage on BELLS. If upon pulling the rope you get it to ring three times, it grants your wish. I telephoned the parish priest there and told him about Spring Day and the whole idea behind it. And I asked him to ring it on 23rd March at 10:00 for peace in the world and to say a prayer for the families who have suffered so much from this disaster. He was so impressed with the whole idea. He told me not to worry that he has already put it on his agenda.
Thinking of you.

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