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Description of the itinerary

Others informations
Points of Interest
The Aneto does not need recommendation: everybody knows what is and what it is worth. Perhaps everybody does not know what costs. For that reason it is precise to go well prepared, physically and psychologically. The prize is one of the spectacles more unforgettable than the Pyrenees can offer us, and have been able to step on their higher top.
How to get there
The most frequent way, than is described, is here from Benasque, by the track that passs by the Hospital of Benasque until parking of the Besurta.
Technical data
Time: 9,00 h.
Slope: 1,534 m.
Distance: 15,3 km.
Difficulty: F3; T3.
Equipment of high mountain, with crampones and piolet. Very useful canes cableways, that can replace piolet if the conditions of the snow allow it. Solar cream of protection.
Description of the route
The Besurta - Refuge of the Renclusa - Superior Portilló - Glacier of the Aneto and col of Crowns - Aneto
0,00 h. Parking of the Besurta. 307689 - 4727755 - 1907. There is a bar, open to certain hours. We followed the indications the refuge of the Renclusa.

0,40 h. Refuge of the Renclusa. 307563 - 4726962 - 2139. We happened before the refuge and we continued raising by the valley that has the tops between the Maladeta and the tip of alba like bottom drop curtain. In no case we must cross the stream of the Renclusa. The way, if there is no snow, passes by tartera, in strong ascent. We followed until we surpassed a strong slope, level 2,860 ms. Here we left the valley and we turned (E) to the left, more or less of level, to obtain the crest of the Portillones.

3,10 h. Portillón Superior. 307201 - 4725329 - 2897. It is important to find this step, that it lays the way to us of the glacier. If one goes away above it can have complications. From the Portillón already we see the top of the Aneto, at the end of the immense glacier. They must lower about 20 ms, by a narrow and quite pending channel, that demands prudence, mainly if is snow. We crossed the glacier, first in direction S, later SE, without lowering never, always by the high part, that is the one that reunites better conditions.

4,30 h. Collado de Coronas. 307678 - 4723158 - 3173. Important step, on the same foot of last steep slope. Often the snow is frozen.

and 5,10 h. Aneto. 307947 - 4722713 - 3404. Before arriving at the top properly this we must surpass the famous Passage of Mahoma, short very aerial crest that causes that many make the decision to save it to it. The vision that is has is majestic, over any mountain and tip that can be seen, that, if the day is good, they are infinity.

The return is made generally by the same way. They are around four hours.

Date of the path
Itinerary done the last time the 4 of June of 2006, with a numerous group of the CMSC.
Useful maps
Aneto. Editorial Alpina.
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