1. Aims
2. Scope
3. Dynamic Geometry
  • Most readers will miss the demonstrations of the results and bibliographical literature. It was not the TTW aim to provide them. However, I believe that the readers will enjoy both manipulating and exploring the shapes by themselves.

  • This will not be feasible without a Dynamic Geometry software like Cabri. The choice of Cabri, and not one of the many other good ones, is only due to the author's familiarity with it from its early days. Anyway, all of them allow us to share the attitude shown by Jean Jacques Rousseau in his Emile, Second Book: 
    Faites des figures exactes, combinez-les, posez-les l'une sur l'autre, examinez leurs rapports; vous trouverez toute la géométrie élémentaire en marchant d'observation en observation ...
    Pour vérifier la justesse de la figure, nous l'examinerons par toutes ses propriétés sensibles; et cela nous donnera occasion d'en découvrir chaque jour de nouvelles.
  • Each definition and each result in TTW bears one or several downloadable Cabri figures that can be manipulated, modified or completed off-line. Most of the definitions also bear a Cabri macro that allows the straight drawing of the item, avoiding some tedious constructions. All the macros are zipped in a file TTWMACROS.zip (146 Kb) that can be downloaded clicking here

4. Versions
5. Structure
6. Internal links