1. Aims
2. Scope
3. Dynamic Geometry
4. Versions
5. Structure
TTW has five kinds of pages:
  • Indexes: List of all the defined concepts, in alphabetical order by the most relevant word .
  • Definitions: When a term has many equivalent definitions, I have tried to select the most constructive. All the terms appearing in a definition are linked to the their own definitions. These are the pages bearing the Cabri figures and the Cabri macros.
  • The figures are tested within the reasonable, remaining some little problems though, due to software-based instability problems, not solved yet by me.
    The icons classify the macros in six groups: 
  Triangles Circles
  Conics Transformations
    Some remarkable Points have their own icons.
  • Lists: Almost each concept appears in several other contexts, that are listed here, these pages being, in a sense, a ranking of their popularity. Among them there are Results (headed by r), Constructions (headed by c), and Definitions (headed by d). The list contains, for each of the Results, all the terms appearing on it and some others (in italics) that have no definition, used here just for descriptive purposes.
  • Results: The Results are bits of geometrical information, some of them quite generic and some other ones presented in detail, all of them bearing one or more figures. Some are nearly identical or derived one from another, or given with a slightly different terminology.
  • Constructions: Detailed descriptions of procedures aiming at the construction of some objects with properties related to the triangle geometry.

6. Internal links