r530 altitudes, circumcircle, antimedial triangle
r532 orthologic triangles, homothetic triangles
r536 isogonal of the infinite point
r551 circumcenter, symmedian point, Nagel point, tangential triangle, point X(64)
r572 Bevan point, Spieker point, Clawson point, Mittenpunkt
r581 cevian triangle, centroid
r584 point X(403), point X(186), point X(468)
r585 altitude feet
r586 altitude feet, circumcenter
r592 orthic triangle, symmedian point
r593 point X(52),Brocard line
r597 circumcircle
r599 Brocard line, isogonal points, cevian triangle, Stammler hyperbola
r616 circumcircle, orthopole, altitude feet
r621 orthopole, isogonal points, circumconic, Steiner deltoid
r632 Fuhrmann circle, Fuhrmann triangle
r654 orthopole, circumcenter
r672 MacBeath conic, ninecircle
r674 Euler line, isogonal points, tripolar
r697 circumcircle, centroid, circumcenter, symmedian point, point X(110), point X(842)
r698 centroid, circumcenter, symmedian point, point X(842)
r704 centroid, incenter, circumcenter, Nagel point
r705 incenter, Nagel point, Longuet-Higgins point, De Longchamps point
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