r951 pedal triangle, perspective, inconic, isogonal of the infinite point
r961 symmedian point, Fermat points, orthocentroidal circle, Apollonian circles, symmedian lines
r975 ninecircle
r976 orthocentroidal circle
r977 circumcenter, homothetic triangles
r978 perspective, intouch triangle
r979 circumcenter, centroid, circumcevian triangle, medial triangle, orthic triangle, homothetic triangles, harmonic points
r983 circlecevian triangle, circumcenter, Parry reflection point
r988 circlecevian triangle, antigonal points
r991 circumcenter, circumcevian triangle
r992 cevian triangle, centroid, incenter, symmedian point, Gergonne point, Nagel point, Mittenpunkt
r1002 pedal triangle, isogonal points
r1006 ninecircle, circumconic
r1007 circumcircle, antigonal points
r1008 circumcircle
r1020 circumcevian triangle, centroid, circumcenter, point X(186), point X(858)
r1021 altitudes, orthologic triangles, isogonal of the infinite point
r1022 circumcircle, MacBeath conic
r1023 MacBeath conic, isogonal points, isotomic points, Tarry point, point X(125)
r1034 MacBeath conic
r1035 inconic
r1044 circumcevian triangle, isogonal of the infinite point
c23 cevian triangle
c37 centroid, incenter
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