




Our brotherhood with the Francisca González School from Chichigalpa, Nicaragua

an enriching proposal to work the solidarity


The relationship between Jungfrau school from Badalona and Francisca González school from Chichigalpa (Nicaragua) began by March 1997. Since then and thanks to the will of both schools to maintain it alive in spite of difficult circumstances (devastating step of Mitch hurricane), this bind has been fortified and we can say that the brotherhood is in good health and that it spreds to other initiatives that we group in three sections: Interchange, cooperation and sesitization.

Interchange: of personal and social experiences between the different groups from our schools: students, teachers and families; of pedagogical experiences and experiences in the field of the human values; letters, video, email and the expensive option of trips make of this interchange a tool of personal and collective enrichment for all.

Cooperation: support to the welfare work of the nicaraguan school (money, school equipment, medicines), promotion of infrastructure projects that help to remarkably improve the conditions and the supplying between the infantile population of this welfare task.

Sensitization: pedagogical work towards our pupils, their families and the population of our area of influence; understanding of the pluricultural fact and the diversity as enriching social values; diffusion of the values of solidarity. In consequence, participation in citizen campaigns and initiatives that extend the own scope of the brotherhood and that collaborate in sensitizing the population in the values that this project wants to harness.

We invite you to take a walk by these pages and we suggest a trip that, surely, will not leave you indifferent.
