2. Identify parts in the story. That story was divided into 5 paragraphs (marked from 1 to 5). Match those paragraphs to the divisions that follow. These divisions are not in the same order as the story so that you can do the matching.

A.- Something happens. A new external element is introduced into the story. The protagonists react to this event.

B.- Setting: describe the scene where the story happens so that the reader can picture it.

C.- Introduce the characters. Explain their feelings and what happened between them before this scene.

D.- We are told how the story concludes.

E.- As a consequence of the first event something else usually happens. The action is developed. The story tells the reader what happens next.





When you write a story or a past event you follow a logical order of events. This order makes your story more coherent. Also, when writing it is important to include some description of the setting and also of the feelings of the characters.



SWIM HomeActivities Intermediate