The OLOA Project


The interview is an optional activity. It consists of a short interview to someone whose opinion will back one of the reports of the team bulletin. You'll use some of the facts or opinions in the interview to complete the report. Do you remember what is a vox-pops?

1. Your short interview will be recorded and then edited using Audacity. It will be used as audio in one of your mates' script so ask a maximum of 5 questions.

2. Think of an interesting interview for a specific report of your radio bulletin. Talk to your mates and decide on which piece of news is the most appropriate. Think of the person/s. Why do you choose them? In what way are they related to the report?

3. Prepare the short interview well in advance. Read the interview recommendations and the interview techniques before you start.

Ready to start? Click on the planning an interview chart and complete it.


Click on the image, play the interview game and take a quiz.

Basic-radio glossary
Reference links
Useful language