The OLOA Project

You are the coordinator and spokesperson of your team. You have to make sure that everybody is doing their job and check it from time to time. These are your central tasks:

a) Coordinate your team's work

As the team coordinator, you should know what your mates are doing and try to anticipate possible problems you may have as a team. Editorial meetings will help you structure your ideas and think of your work. Remember that your project is cooperative so you should all work tight to get a good final product.

Look for the icon . Have a minimum of 5 Editorial meetings:

When you finish your Editorial meetings, review everything the team said, discuss it with your teacher and upload them to your blog .

Let's start!

When your team mates have chosen the stories for their report, complete Editorial Meeting 3. (TW)

b) Present and structure the bulletin

Each member of the team will record his/her piece of news. You have to record your introduction and how you will introduce each of the journalists. You can have a look at this model.

Remember to save it as uap file and as mp3 file. You need the aup file to put your 4 team audio files together and edit them with Audacity.

c) Check technology

Make sure you know how to use our working tools. Here are some helpful tutorials:

d) Pre-select jingles and sound effects

Background effects. Browse through the webs and find any jingles and sound effects you may need for the bulletin. Save them as mp3 files.



As an optional activity, you can make short interviews asking questions about the scripts your mates are elaborating. Then, you can use some of the answers as vox-pops.

You have almost finished now!!!! Edit your final bulletin. Go on to STEP 4.

Editor/ Presenter
Basic-radio glossary
Reference links
Useful language
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