Can Pantiquet

In Can Pantiquet there are many squares where people talk to friends. There are also some facilities and shops where people buy things and schools where people learn.There is an old farm in Antoni Gaudí street where they breed sheep and an old factory in Castelao street where people dance "flamenco". There are some important buildings : The hotel Catalan where people sleep, and a cultural center where people look at exhibitions, and a discotheque, where people dance. In Can Pantiquet there are some Guardia Civil barracks and an old factory. There is also a hospital. There aren't any churches, but there are many video rental shops.

Community Center
Lluís Companys Park
Can Gomà Centre
Masia Can Flaquer


Our alien's name is Moni. He is very very slim. He weighs 100 pounds. He is 1'10 foot tall and he is small. He  has got light pink and straight hair. He has got four arms and his fingers are long. He has got light blue eyes and his feet are very little. His ears are big and dirty. The language he speaks is English. He is very slow when he walks  and very noisy. Sometimes he is very  stupid and sometimes he is very friendly. At Christmass he is very happy because he likes  presents a lot.

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