Propuestas didácticas > Centrando la atención en Europa > Descubriendo Europa >Culture in a Box > Trabajo de aula > Answer by 11th grade

1st Bachillerato learners answering to Cyprus

Los alumnos de 1º BACHILLERATO escribirán e-mails a los niños chipriotas, dentro de la actividad "Culture in a box", agradeciéndoles la información que les han enviado, y comparando España y Chipre.

Podéis ver sus presentaciones PowerPoint aquí

Mª Cruz y María / Are we right?

11th grade learners after a class on Cyprus. The "Culture in a box" material sent by Cyprus 6th grade students is hung on the blackboard. Now they are ready to send e-mails to them!

They are well aware of their responsibility, as older students, and feel proud of it.