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The acid rain monitoring 

RainWeb Guide 


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Web graphic design 

  • With the Web Guide, all the sections of the work may be accessed and browsed freely.

  • Going back to the Guide, we can know if there are any sections left to be visited, so we can ensure a whole exploration of the work. 
    The orange links are non-visited pages (acid). The visited links turn brown (The acid has neutralized). 
  • The title of the cover is inserted in an image of our village and shows the colours of the "pH-mesuring paper".

  • The "pH-mesuring paper" colour degradation is also used in the titles of different sections, which are accompanied by an icon. These icons may be clicked and a sound can be heard, like that of a thundersound.

  • The sub-sections titles are blue, as the main text, honouring the colour of unpolluted water and sky. The background and the frames are blue, as well.

We hope the whole of this project looks harmonic and nice, and motivates teachers and students to study and read this work and maybe, it encourages someone to join this project or suggest a similar one. 

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