
Hell or Heaven


Scene One

(A schoolyard during the break. The good kids are talking and eating their sandwiches. The bad kids come and start to make trouble.)
ISA   (She's reading but stops to say something). Why aren't you studying ? There is a test tomorrow !
JOHN   It's true. I always forget.
SANDY   That's because you are always thinking of football !
NATTY   Look who's talking ! You are always eating sweets !
CAROL   And you are always playing with your animals. Your house is a zoo.
MELANIE   It's very easy for you ! You've got a computer that does your homework !
(Suddenly, Ricky, Candy and Ian, the bad kids, break into their meeting. Candy is smoking, Ricky is drinking beer, and Ian is holding a scarf that he uses as a whip. He hits Carol.)
CAROL   (She screams) You are a bastard !!
JOHN   I know my brother is a jerk but my mother's not to blame.
IAN   You can't be my brother ! We must be twin sons of different mothers.
RICKY   That's very difficult to understand. Twin sons of different mothers. Very weird.
CANDY   (puffing out some smoke) You can't understand this (hitting him on the head)be-cause you are ve-ry ve-ry stu-pid !!
IAN   (taking Sandy's sandwich) Hmm... I'm a little hungry. Give me your sandwich !
RICKY (taking Natty's) And I want yours. I like Swiss cheese.
ISA   Why do you do this to us ? Why don't you stop it ?
SANDY   Go away and let us be !
CANDY   (Angry, she pushes Sandy) Get cool, girl ! We are going when we like !
MELANIE   Don't touch her ! She's my friend !
IAN   (Making fun and pulling her hair) She's my friend, She's my friend ! Who are you ? Are you her mother ?
JOHN   (Pushing Ian) Why don't you pull my hair, you macho man ?
RICKY   I can do it myself, you dwarf !
IAN   You shut up ! This is MY business.
(They start fighting. A teacher, NELLY, appears and pulls them appart.
JOHN and IAN   (showing pain when the teacher pulls at their ears)Augh !!!
NELLY   What are you doing ? Why are you fighting ?
CAROL   They started first !
NELLY   I don't know who started, but the principal wants to know. (She takes them away)

Scene Two

(Nelly, John and Ian, come out of the principal's office)
NELLY   ...and now that you are going home for some days, think of this. Your parents will be very happy.
JOHN   I don't think so. They will get mad at us.
IAN   I don't care. They don't care about me.

Scene Three

(At home, John, Ian and their mother, MARY, are sitting in the living-room.)
MARY   Why do you do this to me ? Don't you love your mother ?
IAN   We don't love you because you are an old witch.
MARY   How can you talk to your mother like this ? (She starts crying)
JOHN   Please, mom, don't cry. (To Ian) You are a bad son. You make your mother cry.
(The bell rings)
MARY   It must be your father. I'll open the door. (She stands up and goes)
IAN   I'll try to get some money from the old man.
JOHN   How can you rob your own family ?
(Mary and George, her husband, come in)
GEORGE   What are you doing here ? Why is your mother crying ? (He tries to hit Ian)
MARY   Please, George, don't hit your son !
GEORGE   Don't hit him ! Don't hit him ! He's a bad boy because we don't hit him. What has he done ?
MARY   They had a fight at school. The principal sent them home for a week.
GEORGE   And you'll stay at home ! You can't go out in a week. And there isn't any money !
JOHN   But this isn't fair ! Y didn't do anything wrong !
IAN   You never do anything wrong.

Scene Four

(John and Ian's room. They are lying on their beds. They are talking.)
IAN   I'm going away and I'm not coming back home.
(Ian stands up and opens the window.)
JOHN   Are you mad ? Don't do any stupid thing ! You'll break your head !
IAN   My head is harder than a brick.
JOHN   Where are you going ?
IAN   This isn't your business.(He goes out the window)

Scene Five

(A supermarket. A shop-assistant, ALISON, is at the cash register. Ricky, Ian and Candy come in)
CANDY   I'm hungry. We need food.
ALISON   Don't eat the furniture !
RICKY   That's very funny. Ha! ha! ha!   IAN  (low voice) Get some cans. There are a lot.
ALISON   (suspicious of them) Don't try to rob me ! I'm watching you !
(Camera focuses on Candy. She's taking some cans and putting them under her sweater)
RICKY   Watch out ! They are falling ! (Some cans fall on the floor)
ALISON   (Standing up) What are you doing ?!
IAN   Let's go !! Last one is a rotten egg !! (They start to run)
ALISON   (Running after them) Stop, jerks !! Bastards ! I'll tell your mothers !!

Scene Six

(A room with some blankets and other things. Ian, Candy and Ricky are eating from cans.)
CANDY   I don't like this shit.
RICKY   It's disgusting. I want to drink something. Have we got any beer ?
IAN   No, you drank it all.
CANDY   But I'm going to throw.
RICKY   But please, stand up, go to the window and do it there !
(Candy stands up and goes)
IAN   How many blankets have we got ?
RICKY   Only two, and it's very cold here !
IAN   One of us must sleep without a blanket.
CANDY   (Coming back) I can't sleep without a blanket. I'm the only girl.
RICKY   Ian, do you want to sleep with me ?
IAN   No way ! I prefer to die of pneumonia.

Scene Seven

(Evening in a park. Isa, Melanie, Carol, Sandy and Natty are talking and sitting on a bench.)
NATTY   Do you know anything about John and Ian ?
SANDY   We haven't seen them since this morning.
CAROL   They must be at home.
MELANIE   Their father must be very angry with them.
ISA   The teacher says they can't come to school for a week.
(John comes sweating)
NATTY   Look, John's coming !
SANDY   What is he doing here ?
JOHN   (Breathing with difficulty) One moment, please. Let me breathe.
CAROL   Why are you running ?
MELANIE   What's the matter ?
ISA   Come on, tell us. We are waiting !
JOHN   My brother has run away.
NATTY   Where is Ian ?
JOHN   I don't know. You must help me.
SANDY   Why don't we tell the teacher ?
CAROL   She can help us.
MELANIE   And her sister is a police officer.
ISA   But first we must try to find him.
JOHN   Ok! Melanie and Sandy can go and tell the teacher. The others come with me.

Scene Eight

(Sandy and Melanie are knocking at a door)
SANDY   Do you think she's at home ?
MELANIE   I don't know, but it's time to be at home.
(Door opens and Nelly appears)
NELLY   Good evening! What a surprise! What are you doing here?
SANDY   Ian is missing! John says he has run away. We are trying to find him.
NELLY   What can I do ?
MELANIE   They say your sister is a police officer. She could help us.
NELLY   Come in and I'll phone her.
(They come in. Door closes.)

Scene Nine

(Evening in a street. Natty is running and shouting. Isa, Carol and John meet her.)
NATTY   (Loud) I know where they are ! I know where they are !
ISA   Where are they ?
CAROL   Come on, tell us !
JOHN   Where's my brother ?
NATTY   (Pointing at a house) They are here, in this old house.
ISA   What are they doing ?
CAROL   Why don't we go and watch them ?
JOHN   Ok ! Let's spy them first !
(They go to a window nearby)

Scene Ten

(A window from inside a room. Natty's head shows up, then John?s, Carol's, and finally Isa's.)
NATTY   Look ! Here they are !
JOHN   Sshh ! Shut up ! They could hear us.
ISA   Let's try to listen to what they are saying.
(Camera focuses on Ian, Candy and Ricky, inside the room.)
CANDY   We need some money. We can't live without money.
RICKY   Money doesn't grow on trees.
IAN   I know money doesn't grow on trees, but Y don't want to work.
CANDY   And where do we get the fucking money ?
RICKY   We could rob a bank ! There's a lot of money in a a bank.
IAN   That's too dangerous. There are many security guards. And they carry guns.
CANDY   Why don't we rob a jeweller's ? We can sell the jewels and get a lot of money.
RICKY   I know jeweller's carry guns,too. My uncle is a jeweller and he carries a gun.
IAN   I know what we'll do. We are robbing the supermarket !
CANDY   But they know us at the supermarket !
RICKY   But we can wear masks, so they don't know who we are.
IAN   Tomorrow, Saturday, there are many people shopping, so there's a lot of money.
(Camera focuses on John, Natty, Isa and Carol.)
NATTY   Do you hear what I hear ?
ISA   It can't be true !
CAROL   I can't believe it !
JOHN   They are robbing a supermarket !
NATTY   If they do, they get into trouble.
ISA   We must stop them.
CAROL   How can we stop them ?
JOHN   I've got a great idea !
NATTY   What great idea ?
JOHN   I'll tell you now. Let's go.

Scene Eleven

(Nelly's home. Her sister, Susan, is there too, as well as Melanie and Sandy.)
SUSAN   What is this urgent business you wanted to tell me about ?
NELLY   Let me first introduce you to my pupils here. This is Melanie.
NELLY   And this is Sandy.
NELLY   Meet my sister Susan.
SUSAN   Pleased to meet you.
NELLY   Why don't you tell her ?
MELANIE   We've got a friend.
SUSAN   A girl or a boy ?
SUSAN   A boy.
SUSAN   What's his name ?
NELLY   Let them speak, Sue.
SUSAN   Ok, go on !
MELANIE   His name is John, but we aren't talking about John, but about his brother.
SUSAN   Can you please make up your mind ? Who are you talking about ?
SANDY   His name is Ian.
SUSAN   Is he your friend ?
NELLY   You're beingn a little impatient, Sue.
SUSAN   Ok, ok, go on !
MELANIE   Well... John's brother, Ian, has run away, and we are looking for him.
SUSAN   What do you mean, we? You and Sandy?
SANDY   No, there's a lot of us ! Me and Melanie, John, Isa, Carol, Natty...
SUSAN   Ok, ok, stop it ! Go on with the story.
(The bell rings)
NELLY   I'll open the door. It must be them.
(She opens the door and the others come in.)
SUSAN   Did you find him ?
ISA   You must be Nelly's sister, the police officer.
JOHN   Are you a real police officer ?
CAROL   Of course she is real, you dummy!
NELLY   Come on, tell us. What did you find out ?
NATTY   You won't believe it ! They are living in and old house.
ISA   And they are planning to rob the supermarket.
SUSAN   You must report them. By the way, who are they ? You only mentioned one !
NELLY   Yes, who is Ian with ?
JOHN   He's with two friends: Ricky and Candy.
NATTY   What shall we do ?
SUSAN   Hmmm... Let me think !
MELANIE   We should help them.
NELLY   But now they are trying to break the law !
SANDY   We must stop them !
SUSAN   I know what we'll do !

Scene Twelve

(Supermarket. The cashier, Alison, is counting some money.)
ALISON   Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five.... and twenty-six hundred dollars. The boss is getting rich !
(Susan and Nelly come into the supermarket.)
SUSAN   Good afternoon.
ALISON   Good afternoon, officer, and good afternoon, teacher.
NELLY   Nice to see you again, Alison.
ALISON   Can I help you ?
SUSAN   Some teenagers are planning to rob the supermarket.
NELLY   They area pupil of mine and his two friends.
ALISON   I know them already ! They are always trying to steal something.
SUSAN   We'll make them think everything is all right, and then we'll scare them to death.
NELLY   I hope nobody will be hurt.
ALISON   I hope so.
SUSAN   Let's wait behind the shelves, then.
(They go.)

Scene Thirteen*

(Carol, Melanie, Sandy, Natty, Isa and John are waiting behind a car.)
CAROL   They said they were coming at three.
MELANIE   (She looks at her watch) They are late.
SANDY   No, they aren't. It's only five to three.
NATTY   My watch says it's five past.
ISA   None of you is right. It's three o'clock.
JOHN   Shh! They are coming !

Scene Fourteen*

(The supermarket. Alison is at the cash register. The bad kids come in wearing masks)
ALISON   Why are you wearing masks ? Do you think it's carnival ? You look funny.
CANDY   Don't laugh at us ! This isn't funny !
RICKY   This is a robbery. Raise your hands and give us the money.
ALISON   Y can't give you the money if Y raise my hands.
IAN   Don't waste time and do what we tell you !
ALISON   Y don't want to do anything. Y know who you are.
(Suddenly, Susan appears.)
SUSAN   Well, kids, this is over ! Take off your masks and stop the show .
(The kids run out.)

Scene Fifteen*

(Out in the street, Nelly and the good kids are blocking the way.)
NELLY   Please, kids, don't try to run away, and don't worry. We won't do anything to you.
SUSAN   If you stop now, we'll only tell your parents.
(Very excited, Ian takes out a gun. Immediately, Susan takes out a gun, too.)
IAN   Y don't want to go back home ! Better reign in Hell than serve in Heaven !
(He shoots at Susan, but fails. Susan shoots back. Ian drops dead.)
* Scene 13 was cut out because of lack of time and scenes 14 and 15 were turned into a single scene. The shooting took place in the supermarket.
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