
Someone New at School


Scene 1

(A group of students are walking to school with some teachers )
SAM- How disgusting ! I don't want to go to school.
TONI- I want to sleep .I didn´t sleep last night.
MARY- Why didn't you sleep last night ?
RYAN- We watched too much TV .
CARRIE- And…What did you watch , if you can say it ?
(They laugh and hurry into the school )

Scene 2

(The camera is focusing on three girls walking in the corridor)
SAM- Hurry up ! If you don't , we will be late for class .
MARY- We'll wait for you here .
(Carrie goes into the toilet )
SAM- All the boys are the same . They watch a lot of TV but they don't do anything .
MARY- But what do you expect from boys ? They are like children .
T1- (Passing by ) What are you doing in the corridor ? You'll be late .
T2- (Also passing by with T1 ) Good morning girls .
MARY- (Smiling )Good morning teacher .You've been to the hairdresser's , haven't you ?
(T2 smiles back at the girl and goes )

Scene 3

(Carrie is standing opposite the mirror in the toilet. She's washing her face and she's holding water in her hands. Her face is wet and she looks scared. She doesn't see anything and she looks back into the mirror. Suddenly, she looks terrified and screams. Then she runs out of the toilet. The camera focuses on the mirror, where we can read the words, "You are dead, bitch". The words are written in blood)

Scene 4

(Sam and Mary see Carrie running and screaming )
SAM- What's the matter with Carrie ?
MARY- Let's look in the toilet !
(They go into the toilet. The camera follows them into the toilet and it focuses on the mirror, but there isn't anything on it)
SAM- There's nothing here ! Let's go .
MARY- She didn't like her face , maybe .
(They go)


(In the classroom the students meet and talk about Carrie)
HELEN- What happened to Carrie ? She's running and screaming !
GEORGE- She is mad. She made me fall !
SAM - I don't know. We heard some weird sounds and she screamed and ran out of the toilet.
MARY- We went into the toilet but we didn't see anything or anybody.
(Suddenly Eden comes into the classroom)
Eden- I saw two teachers holding Carrie and taking her into the headmaster's office .
HELEN- We heard her screaming and saw her running .
GEORGE- Mary and Sam that they heard some weird sounds coming from the toilets . . .
(Suddenly, Toni and Ryan come in)
TONI- Do you know what happened to Carrie ?
RYAN- Everybody's talking about her.
EDEN- You are always the last to know.
(The group of schoolmates start to tell Ryan and Toni about Carrie)


(In the Headmaster's office Carrie and some teachers – T1 , T2 and the Headmaster – are talking)
HEADM- Tell us , Carrie. What happened to you ? Why are you running and screaming ?
CARRIE– They want to kill me !
T1– Who wants to kill you ?
CARRIE– I don't know. There was nobody in the toilet.
T2 – How can they kill you if there's nobody in the toilet ? ( Short silence )
CARRIE- There was nobody but there was somebody !
HEADM– How can there be somebody if there isn't anybody.
CARRIE – I don't know , I don't know , but somebody wrote some words on the mirror .
T1 – Why didn't you begin saying so ?
T2 – What did the words say ?
CARRIE – They said , "You are dead, bitch" .
HEADM – Did anybody see you when you went out ?
CARRIE – Sam and Mary were outside waiting.
HEADM– ( To T1 ) Can you go and bring Mary and Sam ?
( T1 goes out )

Scene 7

(A notice says "a week later". Then some students are reading the school magazine in the classroom )
TONI- Are you are reading the same as me ?
RYAN- What are you reading ?
HELEN- He's reading the news about Carrie. (looking over his shoulder)
EDEN- It says that a student is in hospital because she ran and screamed because she heard a weird sound an she also saw same words written in blood on the mirror.
TONI- Doesn't it say anything else ?
RYAN- Hey, George! Aren't you one of the editors of the school magazine ? Tell'us more !
GEORGE- We don't know anything else.
SAM - We heard some weird sounds, too.
MARY- Carrie may not be so crazy.
HELEN- Do you mean that there was somebody in the toilet ?
TONI- Are you talking about ghosts ?
RYAN- In fact there are spirits that can do things like that.
EDEN- We can investigate it. In the library there is a book about poltergeists.
GEORGE- If we investigate, we must find facts. For example, we can take pictures.
SAM- We can come at night and record any sounds that there can be.
HELEN- You are as crazy as Carrie.
TONI- You'll get into trouble!
EDEN- I'll go to the library but I won't come at school at night.
MARY- Ok then Sam, George, Ryan and me are coming tonight, all right ?

Scene 8

( In the evening in the schoolyard Sam, Mary, Ryan and George are watching the main entrance silently)

entrance silently) RYAN- We come in now. The door is open there is nobody there.
( They start to walk but suddenly they stop)
GEORGE- Shh! Somebody's coming! Hush!
MARY- It's the concierge .He's smoking.
SAM- There is a teacher with him.
T 2- I'm going to make some photocopies. I wont be long!(she goes in)
(When the teacher goes in, the concierge goes out and the pupils stand up)
RYAN- Now is the moment (They hurry in)

Scene 9

( in a corner of the toilets a hand presses a key on the tape recorder.) GEORGE- Let's go!
(The camera shows a tape recorder on the floor. Some seconds later it begins to move)


(Teacher 2 is making some photocopies and suddenly the lights go off, but they come on again. She looks worried but she goes on working . The lights go off again)
T 2- Shit!(Silence)Is There anybody ? Please, turn on the lights. This isn't funny !
(Suddenly the lights go on and off quickly. She tries to open the door but she can't)
T 2- Help! I can't open the door! help me please!


(The camera focuses on the teacher from the end of the corridor and comes nearer. The door opens and T2 runs to the main entrance but she can't go out)


(In the morning in the headmaster's office the headmaster is sitting at the desk. He looks tired. The telephone rings. T1 is opposite him )
HEADM- I'm not here! Fuck the time she commited suicide!
T 1- How do you know she killed herself ? Somebody could have killed her.
HEADM- What are you talking about? The police said it was a suicide !
T 1- The police can be wrong.
HEADM- You won't believe what those pupils are talking !
T 1- Never say never.
(Somebody knocks on the door)
HEADM- Come in !
SAM- Excuse me, teachers, we must tell you something that happened.
HEADM- I don't want to hear anything like that. I'll leave you alone.
(He goes)
T 1- Tell me what you like but quick !
RYAN- Last night we recorded some weird sounds here at school.
MARY- We also have some images from the school video camera.
GEORGE- We have reasons to believe that a poltergeist killed the teacher.
T 1- Please give me the tapes and go out. I want to check them alone.
(When he's alone he looks at the tape recorder and suddenly it starts on its own).
TAPE R- You won't to catch me! This is only the beginning! I'm coming for you!
(suddenly the door closes and we can see the scared face of the teacher)

See the pictures

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