Anna Esteban, Llicència d'estudis a St Helens, 2005-06

1. Introduction
     1.1 Why this project?
     1.2 Objectives
     1.3 Methodological aspects
     1.4 Previous work
     1.5 Forecast for the year
2. Working in St Helens, England
3. Lesson Plans
4. Conclusions
5. Bibliography
6. Resources

Previous work

I have been working in the school Jaume Ferran i Clua  for the last 10 years as an English Teacher. We have been carrying out different innovative projects.

In 2002, we started an Orator Project in Cicle Inicial to introduce English. We made workshops, six different choices for the children: library, games, theatre, entertainments, computers, speaking. They do two of those every week. I considered workshops part of the process of learning and children take part in groups once a week.

Part of our Orator Project is the English bag. We have engaged an English Bag for  year 1, 2, 3 and 4. We are now in the 4th year and  still using and improving it. The aim of the bag is to take English out of the classroom so that the children can have more contact with the language that they are learning, and also to enjoy it with their families.

This is what an English bag contains in year 1, six year old children:

  • A video, Pingu 1

  • A cassette with some songs and a book with their lyrics, Pingu

  • A story, The Zoo.

  • A puppet which only speaks English, a white rabbit.

  • A notebook where children can write their names, draw and leave comments about what they have enjoyed most. Parents can also contribute.

  • A letter to the parents in which we explain the contents and the aim of the bag.

To know more about The English bag and our Orator Project about Workshops in Cicle Inicial, visit the school web and see the Orator Project, "power point".

In the school at the moment  there isn't a specialist teacher in Art. There are some teachers well trained in Art who have helped me a lot in that matter. I believe that it is a good opportunity to reorganize Art and Crafts, share knowledge and work together.