
In this unit about games we can find two parts: the didactic unit and the teacher's guide.

The didactic unit, which aims at learning and enjoying some games, includes 12 lessons of 60 minutes each. The 9 first lessons are about traditional Scottish games and the 3 last ones are about parachute games. The aims, the contents and the planning are mentioned and the assessment is developed. All the lessons are divided in three parts: warm-up, main part and calm down.

Some of the games in the lessons have a flashcard attached; they may be very useful for different reasons:

•  to help the teacher to explain the games,

•  to make it easier for the children to understand and play the game,

•  To allow children to learn vocabulary, songs, sentences, structures…

Although these lessons have been constructed in a particular way, it is not the only way they can be taught. There is flexibility for teachers to teach them in any order according to the characteristics of the class. Therefore, these lessons about traditional Scottish games and parachute games can be done more than once. Moreover, we can change the order of the games in the lessons or choose some games from one lesson and others from another one and do a new lesson. We could even mix in the same lesson traditional Scottish games and parachute game. Each teacher might make these decisions depending on their pupils and their interests.

I would like to comment on some aspects about the lessons:

Most of them include Hide-and-Seek games; it means that we will need some space where pupils would be able to hide. Otherwise these games do not make any sense. Therefore, if we do not have the appropriate space in the school it is better not to play these games and choose other ones from the teacher's guide.

Some of the ball games and skipping games need some rhymes that pupils need to learn. We can teach the rhymes in the physical education time. In this way pupils learn English at the same time they are playing and enjoying the game. Otherwise we can teach the rhymes in another time in order to take advantage of the P.E. lessons.

Some games also require pupils to say some words or short sentences in English, they can learn them in the P.E. class, because they are easy to learn and remember by repeating them after or at the same time as the teacher. Teachers can change these words or sentences if they think that others would be better or if they want their pupils to learn others. Another option is for the teacher to teach one and after pupils learn it teach them others. (The rhymes, words and sentences in English that children should learn and know are marked in another colour).

I have included some games like Queenie, Mother, May I?, Red Letter, Polio, Mr. Wolf… that may be more suitable for younger children. However, since they are interesting for some aspects of the language (for example telling the time in Mr. Wolf) and pupils can learn from them, I decided to include them in the lessons.

In the teacher's guide there is a justification of the topic, what needs to be taken into account in the developing of the lessons, different ways that can be used for starting a game, as well as a classification of the games that we will use in the lessons: chasing and catching games; hiding, seeking and hunting games; ball games; racing and guessing games; skipping games; hopscotch and parachute games. In this seccion I have included a description of other games in the different categories so that teachers have the chance to teach other games a part of the described in the lessons. This guide also includes the materials and resources useful for the development of the lessons as well as the English vocabulary we want the pupils to learn.

Teacher's Guide


Lesson 1: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 2: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 3: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 4: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 5: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 6: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 7: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 8: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 9: Traditional Scottish Games
Lesson 10: Parachute Games
Lesson11: Parachute Games
Lesson 12: Parachute Games